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Sound Ceremony 75 Hour Certification Training Online:

Go At Your Own Pace

** Get 30% off tuition with code: SOUND30 **

This is a 75 hr Yoga Alliance Certified Continuing Education Course.

Want a taste of Sound? Explore our free mini sound healing courses here.

Have questions about this sound healing certification online? Contact us.

Why Sound Healing Certification Online?

The ancient art of healing with sound is quickly growing in popularity throughout the world as many feel the call to quiet down the mind, pull the reins on their routines to listen and enquire into a deeper rhythm of life.

We certainly all know that music affects us on many levels. It is as simple as remembering our teenage years or the way our eyes glaze as if seeing a long lost lover as a sweet and nostalgic piece is played.

Sound Healing Wisdom Based in Tradition…

Two and a half thousand years ago the famous Greek philosopher Pythagoras utilized sound as a form of medicine treating a variety of ailments and we can trace this idea back further and outward across continents, cultures and ages right into something we know in our hearts yet cannot find the sufficient words to speak its Truth.

As cutting edge as this modality might seem, there is nothing new about Sound Healing and its Power to pierce the veil of thoughts and allow us to perceive the source of where all sound is springing from.

What you will learn in this Sound Healing Certification Online Training…

In this 75 hr sound healing certification online training you will learn how to journey into a deep meditative inquiry on the Source of all Sound and from there find many tools to assist in shifting frequencies, healing emotional and psychological scars and opening parts of the heart and mind that you never knew existed.

This course dives deeper into the theory and practices of Nada, Mantra and Bhakti yoga in this unique online format and provides you with professional recorded audios by Jaya Saraswati to practice along with forever.

Who is this Online Sound Healing Certification for?

This online sound healing course is for anyone who has been moved by the Power of Sound. You do not need any previous experience, just an excitement and interest in the areas of Nada, Bhakti and Mantra Yoga. This course is designed to be taken in your own time, but also can be divided into 6 weeks of around 12 hours per week if following our suggested curriculum as a guide.

What will you learn in this Online Sound Healing Certification Training?

  • The healing power of Sound, therapeutic application for yourself and others

  • Basic Music Theory in relation to the field of Sound Healing

  • Theory and practice of Nada, Bhakti & Mantra Yoga

  • Voice Medicine—Tuning, Toning, Chanting, Alankars (Indian Scale Forms)

  • Daily Sound Practice of Mantra, Voice Medicine, and Deep Listening

  • How to locate and sound for yourself and others the energetic centers (chakras) of the body

  • Individual and Group Sound Ceremony

  • How to hold space for transformation, the Art of creating Sacred Space

  • How to facilitate sound & song ceremonies

  • Introduction and use of sound healing instruments for Sound Ceremony

Online Sound Healing Certification Self-Paced Schedule:

Classes are pre-recorded and can be completed at your own pace. The course is divided into 6 cycles, and the pre-recorded classes and exercises make up approximately 12 hours per cycle. There is a quiz at the end of each cycle to enhance knowledge retainment and support your understanding of certain topics and concepts.

We will journey through the five elements throughout the course, and explore Sound and Song through the different lenses of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether to gain a deeper understanding of Sound as a transformational and therapeutic sound healing practice.  

Weekly Suggested Curriculum for your Online Sound Healing Certification:

  • DP = Daily Practice

    DAY 1: Monday

    • Welcome Video - Saha Na (4 min) 

    • Sound Ceremony Intro/Course Flow (5 min)

    • Nada 101 (13 min) pg 77-84

    • Nada Listening Meditation (12 min) 

    • Voice Medicine Video - Sigh, Hum, Ah (14 min) pg. 47-55

    • DP - Vedic Mantra; Pavana Mantra (5 min) 

    DAY 2: Tuesday

    • Chakra/Element 101 & Root/Earth (16 min) pg 143-153  

    • Earth/Root Chakra Nada Meditation C# (10 min) 

    • DP - Vedic Mantra; Pavana Mantra (5 min)

    • DP - Voice Medicine Audio; Sigh, Hum, Ah (10 min)  

    DAY 3: Wednesday

    • Earth Sound Ceremony (20 min) - LISTEN

    • Himalayan Bowls (27 min) pg 234

    • Tuning Forks (33 min) pg 222

    • Crystal Bowls (64 min) pg 241

    • DP - Vedic Mantra; Pavana Mantra (5 min)

    • DP - Voice Medicine Audio; Sigh, Hum, Ah (10 min)  

    • DP - Earth/Root Chakra Nada Meditation C# (10 min) 

    DAY 4: Thursday

    • Mantra 101 (33 min) pg 41-64

    • Pranava/Om (18 min) pg. 120-128

    • Japa Mantra Practice - OM (26 min)

    • DP - Chakra Bija Mantra; LAM - ¼ Japa (3 min) Audio

    • DP - Vedic Mantra; Pavana Mantra (5 min)

    • DP - Voice Medicine Audio; Sigh, Hum, Ah (10 min)  

    • DP - Earth/Root Chakra Nada Meditation C# (10 min) 

    DAY 5: Friday

    • Song Ceremony Study - Earth Songs (22 min) 

    • Earth Sound Ceremony (20 min) - WATCH

    • Daily Practices (28 min) 

    DAY 6: Saturday

    • Complete Quiz!

    • Daily Practice (28 min)

    DAY 7: Sunday REST!

  • Daily Practice - (35 min)

    • Vedic Mantra; Purnam Prayer (5 min) Audio

    • Chakra Bija Mantra; VAM - ¼ Japa (3 min) Audio

    • Vocal Warm Ups of your choice  (3-5 min) 

    • Voice Medicine Chakra Toning  (14 min)  Audio

    • Water/Sacral Chakra Nada Meditation D (10 min) Audio

    DAY 1: Monday 

    • Basic Music Theory (37 min)

    • Vocal Warm Ups (20 min) pg. 61-62

    • Chakra Toning Video (30 min) pg. 63

    • Daily Practice (35 min)

    DAY 2: Tuesday

    • Sacral Chakra/Water Element (16 min) pg 154-155      

    • Daily Practice (35 min)

    DAY 3: Wednesday

    • WATER Sound Ceremony AUDIO (20 min) - LISTEN

    • Water Sound Ceremony Instrument Lab (12 min)

    • Rain Makers (13 min)

    • Chimes (13 min)

    • Tingsha (4 min)

    • Hand Pan (17 min)

    • WATER Sound Ceremony VIDEO (20 min) - WATCH

    • Daily Practice (35 min)

    DAY 4: Thursday

    • Harmony (47 min) pg. 65-66

    • Japa Mantra (30 min) pg. 105-106

    • Japa Mantra Practice - So Hum (24 min)

    • Daily Practice (35 min)

    DAY 5: Friday

    • Bhakti 101 (50 min) pg. 85-96

    • Song Ceremony Study - Water (25 min) 

    • Daily Practice (35 min)

    DAY 6: Saturday

    • Daily Practice (35 min)

    • Complete the Quiz!

    DAY 7: Sunday REST!

  • Daily Practice - (38 min)

    • Vocal Warm Ups of your choice  (5 min) 

    • Vedic Mantra; Tryambakam Mantra (5 min) Audio

    • Chakra Bija Mantra; Ram - ¼ Japa (3 min) Audio

    • Voice Medicine Alankar Technique (15 min) Audio

    • Fire/Solar Plexus Chakra Nada Meditation E (10 min) Audio

    DAY 1: Monday 

    • Musical Scales (19 min)

    • Alankar Sargam (30 min)

    • Daily Practice (23 min) (without Alankar Audio)

    DAY 2: Tuesday

    • Solar Plexus Chakra/Fire Element (10 min) pg. 156-157             

    • Daily Practice (38 min)

    DAY 3: Wednesday

    • FIRE Sound Ceremony AUDIO (26 min) - LISTEN

    • Shruti (17 min) 

    • Didgeridoo (14 min)

    • Gong (20 min) 

    • Daily Practice (38 min)

    DAY 4: Thursday

    • Percussion (33 min) 

    • FIRE Sound Ceremony VIDEO (26 min) - WATCH

    • Japa Mantra: Ong Namo Gurudev Namo (17 min)

    • Daily Practice (38 min)

    DAY 5: Friday

    • Trimurti (22min) 

    • Deity Mantras (15 min) 

    • Japa Mantra Deity of Choice (10min)  

    • Song Ceremony Study - Fire (25 min) 

    • Daily Practice (38 min)

    DAY 6: Saturday

    • Daily Practice (38 min)

    • Complete the Quiz!

    DAY 7: Sunday REST!

  • Daily Practice - (50 min)

    • Vocal Warm Ups of your choice  (5 min) 

    • Vedic Mantra: Nishprapanchaya Mantra (5 min) Audio

    • Chakra Bija Mantra: Yam - ¼ Japa (2 min) Audio

    • Voice Medicine: Alankar Technique Pt 2 (19 min) Audio

    • Voice Medicine: Chakra Toning Pt 2 (9 min) Audio

    • Air/Heart Plexus Chakra Nada Meditation F (10 min) Audio

    DAY 1: Monday 

    • The 5 Listenings (57 min) pg 187-189

    • Chakra Toning Pt 2 Moving Pitch (7 min)

    • Daily Practice (50 min)

    DAY 2: Tuesday 

    • Heart Chakra/ Air Element (9 min) pg. 159-160

    DAY 3: Wednesday

    • AIR Sound Ceremony AUDIO (45 min) - LISTEN

    • AIr Instrument Lab (10 min)

    • Flutes (23 min)

    • Harp (17 min)

    • African Harp (6 min)

    • Daily Practice (50 min)

    DAY 4: Thursday

    • One on One Techniques (73 min) pg 183-186

    • One on One Full Sound Flow (41 min)

    • Daily Practice (50 min)

    DAY 5: Friday

    • AIR Sound Ceremony VIDEO (45 min) - WATCH

    • Japa Mantra Om Mani Padme Hum (7 min)  

    • Song Ceremony Study - AIR (12 min) 

    • Daily Practice (50 min)

    DAY 6: Saturday

    • Daily Practice (50 min)

    • Complete the Quiz!

    DAY 7: Sunday REST!

  • Daily Practice - (55 min)

    • Vocal Warm Ups of your choice (5 min) 

    • Vedic Mantra: Akhanda Mantra (5 min) Audio

    • Chakra Bija Mantra: Ham - ¼ Japa (2 min) Audio

    • Voice Medicine: Alankar Technique Pt 3 (20 min) Audio

    • Voice Medicine: Chakra Toning Pt 3 & Tuning  (15 min) Audio

    • Ether/Throat Chakra Nada Meditation G (10 min) Audio

    DAY 1: Monday     

    • Sacred Ceremony (23 min)

    • Chakra Tuning (16 min)

    • Daily Practice (55 min)

    DAY 2: Tuesday

    • Throat Chakra/ Ether Element (8 min) pg. 161-162

    • Daily Practice (55 min)

    DAY 3: Wednesday

    • ETHER Sound Ceremony AUDIO (35 min) - LISTEN

    • Ether Instrument Lab (2 min)

    • Thumb Pianos (14 min)

    • ETHER Sound Ceremony VIDEO (35 min) - WATCH

    • Daily Practice (55 min)

    DAY 4: Thursday

    • Sound Ceremony Group Method (25 min) 

    • Song Ceremony Method (17 min) pg. 167-180

    • Song Ceremony Study - ETHER (23 min) 

    • Daily Practice (55 min)

    DAY 5: Friday

    • Voice Medicine Workshop (66 min) pg. 64-74

    • Japa Mantra Nam Yo Ho Renge Kyo (7 min)  

    • Daily Practice (55 min)

    DAY 6: Saturday

    • Daily Practice (55 min)

    • Complete the Quiz!

    DAY 7: Sunday REST!

  • Daily Practice - (60 min)

    • Vocal Warm Ups of your choice (5 min) 

    • Vedic Mantra: Gayatri Mantra (5 min) Audio

    • Chakra Bija Mantra: Full Set (6 min) Audio

    • Voice Medicine: Alankar Technique Pt 4 (19 min) Audio

    • Voice Medicine: Chakra Toning Pt 4 & Tuning Pt 2  (15 min) Audio

    • Integration Nada Meditation (10 min) Audio

    DAY 1: Monday

    • Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra (8 min)

    • Crown (Sahasrara) Chakra (6 min)

    • Business of Sound (24 min) pg. 273-282

    • Ethics (11 min) pg. 190-203

    • Daily Practice (60 min)

    DAY 2: Tuesday       

    • Daily Practice (60 min)

    DAY 3: Wednesday

    • Japa Mantra; Lokah Samastah (28 min)

    • Nada Listening Meditation (10 min)

    • Daily Practice (60 min)

    DAY 4: Thursday

    • Daily Practice (60 min)

    DAY 5: Friday

    • Integration (23 min)

    • 5 Elements Sound Ceremony AUDIO (45 min) - LISTEN

    • Daily Practice (60 min)

    DAY 6: Saturday

    • Daily Practice (60 min)

    • Complete the Quiz! 

    • Complete the Practicum and Share with us

    DAY 7: Sunday REST!

Exploration of several types of yoga during your Sound Healing Training Online…

Nāda Yoga (नादयोग)

Nada Yoga is an ancient Indian metaphysical system. It is equally a philosophical system, a medicine, and a form of yoga. The system's theoretical and practical aspects are based on the premise that the entire cosmos and all that exists in the cosmos, including human beings, consists of sound vibrations, called nāda. (source: Wikipedia)

Bhakti Yoga (भक्तियोग)

The root Bhaj, which means “to adore, to devote or worship God.” Bhakti Yoga has been called “love for love's sake” and “union through love and devotion.” Bhakti is uniting of the individualized consciousness with the Universal through active surrender.

Mantra Yoga (मंत्रयोग)

Mantra Yoga comes from the root Man or Manas meaning mind and instinct and Tra, a tool or instrument to transcend or liberate the mind from itself. Mantras are used to awaken the Self and deepen the meditative aspects of a physical yoga practice. Mantra yoga is a meditation tool meant to engage the mind through focusing on sound, duration and number of repetitions (japa) as a means to get closer to the divinity within, creating positive vibrations that benefit both the one who chants and the one who listens.

Bonus materials for your Online Sound Healing Training:

  • Work through intentional cycles every week  inspired by Transpersonal Psychology

  • Daily Voice Medicine, Mantra and Bhajan Practice, plant seeds for a solid personal sound practice

  • Daily Nada Meditations to deepen our listening and fine tune the ear

  • Bonus SONG BOOK with over FIVE HUNDRED mantras, prayers, English, Spanish, and Portuguese Medicine Songs with musical notations for playing along with instruments

  • Fire Ceremony, Water Blessing Ceremony, Air Prayer Ceremony & Earth Ceremonies celebrating and connecting to the Elements

  • Sound Healing Instrument Introductions! Meet, greet and learn how to play ancestral and ethnic instruments

  • Weekly quizzes to enhance knowledge retainment and support your understanding of certain topics and concepts

And of course, enough space to integrate and make sense of all the wonderful things you will be learning at your own pace in this unique and accessible format.

Meet your Sound Healing Training Online Facilitators…

A Transformational Experience Online: Sacred Sound Healing Instruments

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You do not need to own or to play any instruments for this online course.

Hayley helps to guide and assist in the process of finding your perfect Crystal Tones Singing Bowls. Learn more about the bowls here. 

Hear from our Sound Ceremony Certified Students…

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"I didn’t know the power of my own voice until the past few weeks in Sound Ceremony with Jaya and Saraswati. I had intended to learn how to host sound baths and learn more about using the instruments, mantras, and kirtan in my yoga classes and DJ sets, but I hadn’t expected that I would be singing so much and building the confidence to share my voice so freely." — Anna


“Intention + Vibration = Healing! Journeying through the Sound Ceremony Course has gifted me with me a strong foundation of tools/ practices/ discussions and deepened experiential understanding of explorations that I had already innately and intuitively woven throughout my life: deep listening, space-holding, sacred sound, song, and devotional offerings. I appreciated the diversity of practices we explored, the depth of understanding with which they were presented, and the creative curiosity that unfolded! This course was transformational in helping me to allow the dove in my heart to sing freely, in the support of sound sangha (community). I felt supported and held throughout, but not coddled. There was spaciousness to step into my own intuitive process of co-creation. Looking forward to continuing this work.” — Stephanie K.

Pricing & Registration:

Tuition: $599 USD

** Get 30% off tuition with code: SOUND30 **

The amount paid for the online course will be deducted from any In-Person training should you choose to join us in person at a later date.

See our policies for cancellations and transfers on our policies page.

Ready to learn sound healing in-person with us?

Learn more about our upcoming 100 hr Sound Ceremony Trainings in Guatemala here. 

Frequently Asked Questions about our Sound Healing Certification Online…

  • Using the power of sound vibrations to improve one's physical, emotional, and mental health is known as sound healing. The goal is to create a state of balance and relaxation in the body and mind by utilizing a variety of sound frequencies and instruments, including singing bowls, gongs, tuning forks, and even the human voice.

  • The foundation of sound healing is the idea that everything in the universe, including our bodies, is vibrating constantly. Illness or mental distress might result from a disruption or imbalance in these vibrations. By providing particular frequencies that resonate with the afflicted areas and assist realign them, sound healing seeks to reestablish equilibrium.

  • There are several possible benefits of sound healing including, but not limited to;

    • Relaxation and stress reduction

    • Physical healing of pain

    • Improved sleep

    • Increased clarity, focus and attention

    • Emotional release

    • Increased self-awareness

    • Increased happiness and general health

  • Despite the fact that sound healing has been used for millennia in many cultures, there is still no scientific evidence to support its efficacy. According to certain research, sound therapy may help with pain management, anxiety reduction, and stress reduction. To definitively confirm its efficacy, more research is necessary.

  • In order to create a peaceful and immersive experience, a practitioner often employs a variety of sound instruments during a sound healing session.

    While the practitioner plays the instruments around the participants, they lie down or sit comfortably and let the sound vibrations wash over and reverberate inside the body.

  • Most people are typically thought to find sound healing safe. However, before taking part in a sound healing session, anyone with particular disorders, such as epilepsy, severe mental health issues, or sensitivity to sound, should speak with a healthcare provider.

  • Sound therapy is not a replacement for medical care or other forms of trained healthcare. It might provide relaxation, stress relief, and general well-being and can be used in conjunction with conventional medicine. For the most suitable diagnosis and care, people with medical issues should always seek the opinion of trained healthcare professionals.

  • It is possible to utilize sound healing at home. There are several tools for sound healing, including music, guided sound healing meditations, and purchasing of sound healing instruments like tuning forks or singing bowls. However, you might also think about going to sessions with a certified sound healing practitioner for a more customized and thorough experience.

  • Individual needs and preferences determine how frequently sound healing sessions are conducted. Weekly sessions may be beneficial for some people, while less frequent sessions may be more effective for others. Pay attention to your body and intuition, then change the frequency as necessary.

  • Review a sound healing practitioner's credentials, education, and experience before hiring them. Look for testimonials from prior customers. Choose a practitioner you feel comfortable and at ease with while making this decision.